This headline should address your visitors main pain point and contain your “keyword”

This is your supporting headline which should support/reinforce the call to action above and also contain the main keyword which you would like to rank for in the search results on Google

About Us

dlc global Limited is a company focused on the delivery of authoritative and up-to-date tools, products, training and strategies to help young people at the beginning of their working lives, and older people at the end of theirs, to create, run and grow their own highly successful online business.

We make a special emphasis on automated webinars, and their inclusion in the sales and marketing plans for businesses of all sizes, and our subsidiary website – – provides a wide range of training courses and eBooks to help business owners learn the skills they need to run their business and to scale it to previously undreamt-of heights.

At dlc global Limited, we have an unparalleled reputation for expertise in this area. We can’t wait to help you on your way to running your own successful business and achieving everything you dream of.

Visitor Frustration 1

This is a supporting paragraph which does into a little bit more detail on how the product or service can directly help it’s target audience. Try and include the keyword and “relatable” keywords here without stuffing

Visitor Frustration 2

This is a supporting paragraph which does into a little bit more detail on how the product or service can directly help it’s target audience. Try and include the keyword and “relatable” keywords here without stuffing

Visitor Frustration 3

This is a supporting paragraph which does into a little bit more detail on how the product or service can directly help it’s target audience. Try and include the keyword and “relatable” keywords here without stuffing

Insert an “empathy” headline to make your visitor understand you know what it feels like…

Reinforce the above empathy headline and start introducing the fact that your product or service could really help them improve their life or business…without going for the hard sell straight off the bat..

Transitioning From Empathy Into Solutions. Insert keyword

Start introducing the fact that you are able to assist them with their pain point and you have specific services available to improve their quality of life or business. You can go into some details here, try to include your keyword once and any ‘relatable’ keywords in the text here


Avoiding the Rat-Race: How to Start Your Own, Lucrative, Online Business from the Get-Go

The webinar is for young people in their late teens or twenties who have just finished their formal education; or who are having trouble in finding a job; or who are in a thankless job which they find boring and unstimulating and which they already hate. They are looking for a way to avoid the Rat-Race from the very beginning and believe with all their heart that there is more to life than their working for the next 40 years in a 9-5 job which they have been brought up since birth to expect and accept.


Entrepreneur Accelerator Program+

You will learn how to avoid becoming stuck in a dead-end job in which your efforts and skills are unappreciated and under-rewarded.

You will learn how you can create your own successful business which will provide you with an incredible sense of achievement and empower you to provide the security and peace of mind that you want for your family and friends.

You will have the comfort of knowing that you will have us to turn to when you need advice and support as you build your business.

In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don’t let them write anything. Send them to a Google doc and have them answer questions relation to the product/service and how it was benefited them, then rewrite the testimonial using their words as you see fit to make it pop.

Client name

FREE  3 Part Videos

3 Crucial Steps To Starting Your Business Today

Briefly talk about the lead magnet and the contents. You do not need to go into major detail. You can introduce the main things they will take away from the lead magnet to help change their fortunes.

Vimeo  1 Title

Step 2 Title

Step 3 Title

In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don’t let them write anything. Send them to a Google doc and have them answer questions relation to the product/service and how it was benefited them, then rewrite the testimonial using their words as you see fit to make it pop.

Client name

In this area you should paste in a client testimonial which talks about how you helped them make a transformation from struggle to success. Ideally, when you try to gain feedback from clients, make sure you don’t let them write anything. Send them to a Google doc and have them answer questions relation to the product/service and how it was benefited them, then rewrite the testimonial using their words as you see fit to make it pop.

Client name

This is the final call to action telling your visitor to take action

Make sure you write a final supporting paragraph which outlines the product benefits and how it will help them go from problem to happy. This is your last chance before they either scroll up, or click the button below to go to your payment page. Make it count!